Thursday, December 15, 2011

Life below the Tropic of Capricorn

President Sarkozy's little brother - wants to assure the world that the private financiers will maintain the economic order in order to replace the central banks of many of the smaller countries.  As Chief Executive to the Carlyle Group - one of the large alternative sources of capital available to the world - drawn from the exploitation and non - sharing of the wealth derived from the energy and resource rich regions of the world; assures us that all will be okay according to a report in "the Australian" a few days ago

The one percenters believe their own humble opinions as the messiah's who will rescue humanity from its depravity.  We should not be fooled by foolishness alone.  The reality of most of humanity is defined by struggle - survival - violence - and the in-ability to participate and offer their gifts to the whole of life.  I appreciate the freedom to speak foolishly into the mix of the madness of the new "wonderland" we now live in.

May the days of the journey ahead - whether it is flight to another country until the tyrants have died or been replaced, or for the child born in the outback village in the territories - may they be symbols of hope that one day - soon - a new way of life will emerge.  Here in the lighted half of the world where the days are reaching their longest periods of light may we be awake to the darkness around us.

May this season be filled with hope - joy - and grace

on the way to Uluru to watch the sunrise and set


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