Friday, June 25, 2010

Right-Wing “Feminism” Nothing New

In a world that fails to see how we continue to use scapegoats to direct our violence at, especially in a "Christian" country leaves us a long way from redemption and how our lives continue to mimic the story of the sacred text. Perhaps that is why whether it is embodied in our DNA as humans we continue to use violence and animal behaviors to claim our authority as to "being on the right side" with God. In my humble opinion humanity is not on the way of Christ until we awake to see what we are doing. Conscience of our behaviors may provide us a way if we awake and seek forgiveness. Would that not require conversion like Saul - to Paul? Recognizing that all life is sacred and part of the divine intention. Fear mongers seem to teach separation and division using dehumanizing or demoniac language to claim righteousness. In my humble opinion for what it is worth, I am left "just wondering" when we will wake up?

Right-Wing “Feminism” Nothing New

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Apostolic Visitation: Why Bother? Why be Bothered? | National Catholic Reporter

Apostolic Visitation: Why Bother? Why be Bothered? | National Catholic Reporter

Sister Joan has laid out very clearly how inquiry can be used to falsely accuse people. The current judicial system has its origins in the process used in the inquisition of the 'witches trials' and still carries overtones of such failure to ensure fairness and respect to individual human rights. Perhaps Helena Guergis could relate to Stephen Harper's inquiry into her character discovery case.

I wonder who might be looking into Stephen Harper's character. With billions of dollars of security between himself and the peasants who inhabit the land, I guess we can be thankful that we still have a few crumbs to nibble on!

Monday, June 14, 2010

letter to mp

Hon. Brian Jean, Member of Parliament
House of Commons, Ottawa, Ont.K1A 0A6
5101 - 50th Ave. Athabasca, Ab. T9S 1T2

Dear Brian Jean;
I write as a clergy within the United Church of Canada who is shocked and dismayed by recent news of Israeli actions against Palestinians in the West Bank. A previously secret Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) Order took effect in the third week of April 2010. It classifies Palestinians in the West Bank who do not have documentation issued by the local Israel Defence Forces commander as “infiltrators” in their own land.
It will also confine Palestinians to their villages and further sever them from vital economic, health, education, and social centres. Palestinians found in contravention of the order could be subject to almost immediate deportation or jail terms of up to seven years. Israel is party to the United Nations' fourth Geneva Convention that prohibits "individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country....regardless of their motive."
I would urge you and your caucus to have Prime Minister Stephen Harper formally denounce this action in a protest to the government of Israel. Human rights apply to all citizens, and failure to speak out speaks volumes of your actual lived values concerning human rights. The culture of fear and intimidation that is currently being demonstrated as hosts of the G8 and G20 is an inane response reflecting values I as a Canadian neither hold or appreciate. Integrity requires symmetry between what you say and what you do. I appreciate the freedom of expression in Canada that allows us to respectfully point out to each other what we see and interpret of our actions and statements. I believe Canada's reputation is in jeopardy and others respect for Canada in the eyes world citizens will not be seen in a positive light.
Peace is not the absence of war and requires more dialogue, education and processes to bring people together. A violent military aggressive approach traumatizes generations for decades and teaches only war and not peace. Gandhi once wrote '' There are moments in your life when you must act even though you cannot carry your best friends with you. The still small voice within you must always be the final arbiter when there is a conflict of duty''. I urge you to listen to the voices of those who are not represented by the ''Official Statements'' that ignore basic human rights issued by those who consider themselves leaders. Tyrants come in many persuasions. As I may have mentioned before; power and politics are the steroids of arrogance that continue to build strong images of 'mighty men' meanwhile enhancing life threatening breakdown of the human families condition.
I would appreciate the opportunity, to meet with you to discuss this issue and other pressing and important concerns our community faces.