Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Poetry or Prose

Living in the chaos of dysfunction
Accepting and living a response ability
Beyond the meager walls of my self contained
a yearning to be "Rhinestone Cowboy"

the song embodied in my soul
leaving fragments of greatness
to leave behind
as story and legend

oh what is such psalm of ages past
wandering the land of being
in tune with life around us?

Many cry out in despair -
Critics of all that is wrong
wounded by injustice
in their minds eye

the easy place of critique and pain
desiring more
yet unable to lift a step
a finger to forge ahead

such oppression - such lingering doubt
no sympathy for others on the path?
Why brutal - lateral violence -
such human living contain?

Godde help my soul proclaim
Yet why such madness
mental illness often proclaimed
blame the victim
self included - such fear -
such dread of night -
holds on so tight.

A voice caught in the trap of changing rules
by politicians vagarious choice
wondering why the time to issue visas to return
to menial work - as lowly servants
tests the patience and endurance.

(plight of many foreign temporary workers aka slaves)

Such patience and endurance -
lived values
our own fore-parents
did accept when offered passage
that built the nation within where we dwell.

Why such mean spirited ignorance
consequences of actions and words
come to destroy the will to live
as such is the result?
Could it be pathology within those who quest for power
failing to recognize the impact
on those imposed.

Is it not such named pathological?

Is such thoughtlessness
or extended righteousness?
Imposed to placate the little soul within
the drunken sailors at the
parliamentary ball?

Why such misery needs to be imposed
Is it fear like ancient kings of Eygpt?
Where are the midwives to deliver the future generations?
Or are these coming angry children going
to give up and wander in limbo
between life and hell of greatest pain?

Yet from strange lands we take the rich
the educated - professionals in mimicry
of Nebechenezzer of Bablyon.
To let them live
or send them home to Jerusalem
with riches for them to carry on
Curse the Samaritans - who were not chosen
Stayed behind - like the older son -
While the younger prodigal
did spend the inheritance for life secure
only to find he too was welcomed home.

So where is this home that people long for?
Why can we not invite the strangers in to our tents?
To try to claim as ours
As was only lent to us to care for
Yet we still dance the same old story
as it was in the beginning - is now - forever yet to be?

If such godde is still alive - growing - changing - welcoming us home
Can we not do the same - and in grace - celebrate and sing
so all are welcome in this time a place?

Such stiff - necked people we have become
Our hearts turned inward on our souls
Yet in the days ahead -
Let us dance the freedom dance -
sing the songs of celebration yet again
Hoist up the cup of grace and reconciliation
To begin again - the new day dawns eternal
here and now in this space "The Eternal Now"

With thanks to Paul Tillich and Glenn Campbell and the calls for help I recently received?

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