Friday, November 27, 2009

Please Mr. Tally Man - get a proper count

I'm currently transforming my justice anger into constructive criticism. In Alberta where the public health care system is being privatized and insurancitized by the Alberta Health Services Board.
A woman currently on a long term disability - is undergoing breast cancer treatment which developed while on disability for another condition. After suffering anaphalactic shock from the chemo drugs given at the cancer hospital, she was prescribed an antidote drug to help prevent the occurance at her next treatment. O yes - is she on a "medical plan" which will have to cover it as it is not consider cancer treatment. The new drug is 2800.00 per injection of 1 cc. and is required before the cancer treatment drug is administered every three weeks. The doctor who ordered the prescription laughed out loud when told the patient was on disability from an Insurance Company. He did not hear the dilemna when she told him her monthly income is limited 2000 and she lives alone grieving the death of her husband to cancer in February.
When you drive 300 km round trip for every treatment - plus several other medications to pay for including morphine etc combined with living costs mortgage 450 month the cost is one of choice. Do you continue the treatment because you can not afford the necessary drug costs of the "health Care Treatment" and to choose to live and eat. Having a sense of safety and not having to sell all you own used to be why we developed a single payer health care plan. Maintaining a spirit to live takes as much energy as the body needs to heal itself.
So the question becomes - is our precious health care system healing or killing us slowly? Or is it our collective inability to address the real issues - and to name what is happening. Why is there so much cancer in humans lives today? Or do the numbers not add up? Please Mr Tally Man - i've carried alot more coal and bananas than your giving me credit for!

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