Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Revolt of the Elites and the Moral Deficit

The May day parades are over for another year. Did you hear about the throngs of people who took part? In the years to come - their significance may once again emerge. The pendulum swings slowly over the ages.

The future became much clearer for Canada last night. The great divide between the rich and the poor - those with the right "stuff" will be able to victimize the poor - broken as simply stating it is only the result of their choices. Clarity will be shown by compassion and how we treat the strangers - beaten up and left by the side of the road on the path of progress of the free - market economy.

Perhaps the new jails and prisons will become the poorhouses where many will be forced to go when they have no other choice. What will be the color of the uniforms of the selected enforcement agencies?
Will they also be trained at Fort Benning? Or will the School of America - come to Fort McLeod in Canada?


The need to have more dialogue and discussion to recognize the way forward is the tension and the tragic gap that we live in today.

The Revolt of the Elites and the Moral Deficit

If you have a sense of unease - perhaps George Monbiot will be able to help clarify the dilemma of the human condition.


May we all gain the vision of our time - as to which path through the wilderness we may take.


PBA said...
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just wondering said...
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